Poems For All: This Little Spite of Mine…

[Video thumbnail image: Collage: A Black Power fist forms the trunk of a tree, with neon glowing black and white branches, and glowing, feathery leaves of bright white, pink and purple. The words ‘Enjoy Spite’ (reminiscent of the Sprite brand logo) are visible among the branches, which end in tiny yellow lemons. At the base of the tree, roots and vines of black-and-white curl along the ground. Blue-white forks of lightning are visible in the background. (this collage is a creative collaboration between my partner Chris White and I. 💖)]
Poem: This Little Spite of Mine

This poem was born from writing workshop I did a few weeks ago (as some of you at the Creative Comrades level [Patreon] may remember reading about):
“Remember Your Ancestors: There was an online workshop hosted by Alexis Pauline Gumbs called, “Is This America?” in consideration of electoral shenanigans. She talked about the organizing legacies of Ella Baker and Fannie Lou Hamer and how they made a way forward in seemingly choice-less times. Exactly what I needed to hear: to be reminded that when we harness our power, we can create new choices.”
When I wrote this poem, I was sad and angry about the constant discourse of, “these are the only choices we have…!“ Referring to the presumed nominees for the U.S. presidential election coming up in November. I hope, hope, HOPE that the changes that have taken place in the past two weeks inspired some people to reconsider succumbing to foregone conclusions. There were, in fact, other choices: then and NOW. People were so sure that all roads led to Biden, and look where we are today. (And let’s be clear: this is not an endorsement of Harris. This is an endorsement of our imaginations and wild dreams and of NOT simply accepting what is offered because that’s all we can see on the table).
Real talk, y’all: what we need will rarely be given to us by those in power. Many people are in power because they have taken the things that we need for themselves. If we want our stuff back, we have to fight for it. The wisdom from Mariame Kaba that rings in my head most often applies here:
“We don’t accept ‘done deals!’”
Imagine a new deal for us: our communities, this nation, and our world. Imagine successfully applying pressure for a ceasefire, and an end to occupation. Dream big for the return of land and natural resources in Congo, Hawaii, Palestine here in this land, and elsewhere. Imagining better futures cost nothing but is the root of everything we want to make happen in our lives!
I am so angry about so many things right now. And I choose to use my rage as rocket fuel for my imagination. As fertilizer for this massive tree of lemons that life has given us. Even when I don’t expect better, I sure as hell can imagine it. Join me, won’t you? Let’s imagine something better.
In gratitude and solidarity,
🤔 Atena
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